1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #24
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Push Button Clutch
A Swedish company has come up with a hand-operated tractor clutch system that eliminates the need to depress the clutch pedal.The Trima Comfort Clutch (TCC) is an electrically-operated hydraulic valve and actuator which, at the push of a switch, automatically controls the clutch-pedal operation. Once the switch is depressed the clutch pedal immediately disengages. When the switch is released the pedal rises at a con-trolled rate to full engagement. The TCC can also be activated through the brake pedals, with the tractor automatically declutching when brake pressure is applied and reactivated when the brake pedal is re-leased. The foot-brake declutching is used only in areas of low speed limits. It's still possible, however, to declutch in the normal way without making any adjustments.
The company says the new push button clutch can reduce injuries caused by repeated use of a clutch pedal. The system is especially useful in precision and slow driving as well as for loader work.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Trima Ltd., 33 Tatton Court, Kingsland Grange, Warrington, Sweden WA 1 4RR (ph 01925 821181; fax 01925 828378).

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