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Weed Wiper Bar For 3-Wheeled Bikes
Whether it's for dandelions in the yard, roadside weeds or field use, teaming up three-wheeled bikes with a rope-wick weed killer is an economical and quick way to nail weeds.
"The bikes are cheap to run and our Weed Wiper is deadly effective using Roundup," says Mike Rear of Rear's Manufacturing, manufacturer of the Weed Wiper.
The Wiper is carried on a bracket that attaches to the cycle frame. It'll operate at any height from an inch or so off the ground to a couple feet high, raising manually.
"You can mount castors on the Weed Wiper bar so it stays an even distance from the ground. It sells for about $20 a foot, not including the mounting bracket. We also sell full-size tractor Weed Wipers," says Rear.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rear's Manufacturing, 2140 Prairie Rd., Eugene, Ore. 97402 (ph 503 688-1002).

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1981 - Volume #5, Issue #2