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Electronic Dog Collar
A pair of veterinarians at Texas A & M University have developed an electronic dog collar that combines high technology with "Pavlovian" conditioning to keep barking dogs from creating a nuisance.
The device was developed by veterinarians Jon Hunter and Bonnie Beaver. Amicrophone on the inner side of the collar "hears" the dog barking and triggers an intense burst of high-frequency sound after the barking stops. Dogs can hear the high-frequency sound but humans can't.
The deterrent noise mimics the sound of a bullwhip cracking or the snap of a nearby lightning strike, says Ben Brown of Hu-mane Technology, manufacturer of the unit. "The only sound a person hears is a `click' confirming that the collar is functioning.
The high-frequency sound is enough of an irritation to the dog that it stops nuisance barking. But it's not enough of an irritation to keep the dog from barking at intruders."
It seems to work. One dog that barked virtually 24 hours a day (even while eating or drinking water) stopped barking "within a matter of hours" after it started wearing the collar, says Brown, who adds that at least a million dogs end up in pounds and animal shelters across the country each year because they have barking behavior problems.
Sells for $64.95.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Humane Technology, P.O. Box D, Sealy, Texas 77474 (ph 800 444-3647).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #1