1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #24
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Single Pass Tillage Tool
It's not a plow or a disk, but something half way between the two, says the farmer-inventor of this new tillage tool. T h e "Integrator" is a single pass primary cultivator/straw incorporator that operates at a working depth of about 6 in., inverting and mixing crop residue and burying 70 to 90 percent of it. In most cases no secondary tillage is needed."We don't have a lot of time between harvest and seeding of winter wheat so the crop residue has to be buried as soon as possible," says inventor Tony Gant. "The Integrator works better than a moldboard plow because it doesn't leave lumps of straw buried in the soil. It works better than a disk because it doesn't require multiple trips. The crop residue can break down quickly so we can come back later with a power harrow/drill combination and seed the crop. It provides superb penetration in hard soil."
The implement is equipped with two gangs of large notched discs. The discs on the front gang are set at an angle to lift and shatter the soil and create a mixing effect. The discs on the rear gang are set vertically and are offset behind the front ones to complete the mixing effect. A depth control roller mounts on front, and either a flexicoil or lightweight furrow press roller mounts at the rear.
An 8-ft. machine requires about 110 hp. A 10-ft. machine, 130 hp.
An 8-ft. model sells for about $27,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rustons Engineering Co. Ltd., Brampton Road, Huntingdon, Cambs., England PE18 6BQ (ph 01480 455151; fax 01480 52116).

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