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Mower Fan Keeps Driver Cool, Bugs Away
Mounting a small 7-in. dia. fan in front of the steering wheel on his riding lawn mower lets Charlie Millar, Wever, Iowa, keep cool on hot summer days and also blows bugs away.
Millar bolted the base of the 2-speed fan to a flat piece of steel that's welded to the top of a 2-ft. length of angle iron. The angle iron bolts onto the footrest in front of the operator platform. The fan is wired to the mower's battery. It can be swiveled out of the way to raise the mower's hood.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Charlie Millar, Box 234, Rt. 1, Wever, Iowa 52658 (ph 319 372-2042).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #5