1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #21
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Bale People Made From Big Round Bales
Visitors on their way to the International Plowing Match held last fall near Selkirk, Ontario, had to smile when they saw this round bale "man and wife" standing in a field close by a highway only a few miles from the show.The couple stood three bales high. The man wore a yellow shirt, blue cover-alls, gray boots, and a black brimmed hat. He was holding the Canadian flag high and appeared to be smoking a pipe. The woman wore a pink skirt, halter top, and a dazzling white crown. The arms on both "bale people" were made from plastic drain pipe.
Archie and Hazel MacDonald of Hagersville say they used whatever they could find to dress up their bale people.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Archie and Hazel MacDonald, Rt. 2, Hagersville, Ontario, Canada N0A 1H0 (ph 905 768-5223).

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