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Articulated 4 WD Garden Tractor
"I use it to do a lot of different jobs. I built it for only about $600," says Jerry Lilly, Elk Mound, Wis., about his 4-WD articu¡lated garden tractor equipped with power steering, 3-pt. hitch, live front pto, and front hydraulic lift.
The tractor is 8 ft. long and 46 in. wide and weighs just over 2,100 lbs. It's pow¡ered by an International 4-cyl. gas engine and has two 3-speed auto transmissions, with 10 forward speeds and two reverse. The front and rear differentials are Chev¡rolet car axles. Lilly narrowed them up by 17 in. (so he could carry the tractor in the back of his pickup) and connected them together with a driveshaft equipped with a slip joint. The engine belt-drives the transmissions which chain-drive the dif¡ferentials. The frame, built from 4-in. channel iron, consists of two halves that pivot on a vertical shaft.
The tractor is fitted with three hydraulic cylinders - one for articulated steering that pushes or pulls the two frames, one for raising or lowering the 3-pt., and one to operate the front hydraulic lift which Lilly uses to operate a snowblower. The tractor rides on 15-in. 4-ply car snow tires.
"I use it for blowing snow, operating a wood splitter, and tilling my garden," says Lilly, who built the tractor 15 years ago. "I've built several attachments for it including a trailer-mounted wood splitter, 16-in. single bottom plow, and 48-in. front-mount snowblower. I also pull an old spring tooth harrow behind it and plan to build a front-mount mower deck for it. The wood splitter is powered by a hy¡draulic pump connected to the steering cylinder. The snowblower mounts on two points and is raised or lowered by a diago¡nal rod that extends from the front hy¡draulic lift cylinder up to the operator. I use a lever under the seat to raise or lower the 3-pt.
"It has a live pto. A clutch lever in front of the steering wheel is used to operate an idler pulley that puts the pto in or out of gear. The drawbar is equipped with a ball hitch for trailers."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jerry Lilly, Rt. 2, Box 2330, Elk Mound, Wis. 54739 (ph 715 874-6359).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1