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New And Improved 3-Pt Gopher Killer
If you've got serious gopher problems, you'll like this new 3-pt. mounted gopher killer that can be operated by any small tractor. It kills gophers by poisoning them under-ground.
"It's built to last and is 90 to 100% effective on the first pass," says inventor Patrick Wendelin, Herndon, Kan.
The gopher killer digs artificial tunnels that intercept the gophers' runways. A 20-in. dia. coulter is mounted in front of the steel shank, with poison delivered under-ground out the back of the shank, safely away from livestock, other wildlife and pets. A floating packer wheel returns the soil to its original condition.
"We designed it to solve problems with other underground gopher killing ma-chines," says Wendelin. "Nine out of 10 models we sell are to farmers who've al-ready tried other brands. It weighs only about 300 lbs. and can be pulled by a 30 hp tractor equipped with front wheel assist. It has a minimum of moving parts, and all parts except for the shank and packer wheel are available off-the-shelf at local parts stores. It uses a replaceable Deere hoe drill point and a Deere or Kinze planter seed box bait hopper. The hopper is equipped with a soybean metering cup so you can mix the bait with pellets or milo.
"The coulter has self-aligning bearings instead of bushings so it won't bend. It digs as deep as the hoe drill point to keep it from digging up dirt and makes an incision so slight that the machine is recommended for use on golf courses. The packer wheel is built from steel, not rubber, so it will last. When raised at the end of a row, the packer wheel is disengaged to prevent bait from spilling on the ground surface.
"You can cover up to 60 acres per day at speeds of 31%2 to 4 mph, spacing tunnels 25 ft. apart."
Sells for $1,950.
Wendelin also is a distributor for new Leat-O-Tex non-restrictive bait. "It's superior to strychnine because it only has a 30-day life and gophers won't develop resistance to it," notes Wendelin.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Western Alfalfa Gopher Killer, Box 186, Herndon, Kan. 67739 (ph 913 322-5515).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1