1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #19
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Deer Ring Doorbell At Home
"We love to watch deer feed at the feeder in our front yard, but we didn't always get to see them until I rigged up my front doorbell so they could ring it and let us know when they're there. Now they sometimes ring the bell 2 or 3 times a night," says Louis Mezak, Novelty, Ohio.Without a warning system, Mezak and his family had to get lucky to spot the deer when they visited his feeder. Often they come at night when the family is in bed. Now the Mezaks get up and look out their bedroom window when deer show up. "We love to look at them so we don't mind getting up. We can always disconnect the doorbell at night if we have visitors or don't want to have our sleep interrupted," says Mezak.
To rig up the deer doorbell, he ran a wire from his front doorbell to the feeder which is just a few feet in front of the house. He put a conventional doorbell under a small 2 by 6-in. wooden box that's mounted on four small springs. He puts cut-up apple slices in the box. When the animals reach in to pull the slices out, they push on the box, depressing the doorbell button and setting off the chimes in the house.
Mezak says the deer in the area are so used to coming up to his house that he probably could have put the doorbell alert system right up on his front porch but he worried that the chimes would scare the animals, causing them to hurt themselves if they rushed off the porch.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Louis Mezak, 15099 Sperry Road, Novelty, Ohio 44072 (ph 216 338-5874).

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