1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #17
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Deere 95 Combine Converted To Blow Snow
"I've used it to move piles of snow up to 6 ft. high. It's a vast improvement over the tractor and front-end loader I used to use," says Roger Baldwin who mounted an 8-ft. two-stage Deere snowblower on a mid 1960's Deere 95 combine.The retired Lyon County, Iowa, extension agent bought the combine equipped with a Dubuque 6-cyl. gas engine from an area salvage yard for $700. He then discarded the grain tank, sieves, augers and other grain cleaning components.
He lowered the engine so it's only 5 1/2 ft. off the ground and lowered the cab so it rests only 2 in. above the drive wheels. He also shortened the wheelbase by 6 ft. "That made it easier to maneuver," he says. "You can get into and out of tight places like a charm and it turns on a dime."
He found the Deere snowblower at a farm auction and paid $2,000 for it. He built two 5 ft. lift arms out of frames off a discarded front end loader to mount the blower on the combine header.
The blower is designed to be operated at 450 rpm's. "It runs off the front pulley on the engine that operated the grain auger," Baldwin says. "I mounted a right angle gear box off a Case pull-type combine directly under the frame. I ran a driveshaft from the gearbox to the blower to couple to the pto shaft on the blower. I had to mount an extra knuckle and bearing underneath the frame over the front axle to drive it."
The spout on the blower, which can blow snow up to 40 ft., operates hydraulically from inside the cab. "I simply had to install an additional valve inside the cab and route another line to the cylinder that turns the spout," Baldwin notes.
"The blower starts as soon as I turn on the engine and the only way I can stop it is to shut the engine off," he says. "I need some kind of clutch between the right angle gear box and blower. I'm toying with the idea of putting in a clutch off a combine that's used to shut off the header."
Out-of-pocket expense was $2,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Roger Baldwin, R.R. 2, Box 1655, Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246-9802 (ph 712 472-2431).

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