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Propane-Powered Calf Dehorner
"It works better than any other calf de-homer on the market and is also the most humane," says Dr. Craig Thompson, inventor of a new portable, propane-powered dehorner that lets you dehorn calves from birth to 3 mos.
The dehorner uses a 14-oz. propane bottle that hangs from a belt or pocket and a 5-ft. hose that connects to the dehorner head. You place the hot dehorner over a calf's horn button for 5 to 10 seconds until a copper-colored ring of tissue is burned around the button. The button falls off as the area heals.
"It kills the cells around the base of the horn button without surgically removing it to reduce the risk of infection by flies," says Thompson. "Some dehorners can be used only when flies aren't around be-cause they remove the skin. This unit is more convenient to use than electric de-homers because there's no extension cord and, unlike battery-operated models, it doesn't have to be recharged. I've dehorned as many as 100 calves on one bottle. The heat from the dehorner head destroys nerve cells quickly so the animal feels less pain and will struggle less. The head is solid brass so it holds heat well. It takes only 2 min. to get hot and it stays hot. There's no waiting for the dehorner to reheat between calves."
Sells for $89.99 (plus $6.00 S & H).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, C.K.T. & Co., 4915 Delta River Dr., Lan-sing, Mich. 48906 (ph 517 323-7066).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3