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New-Style Seed Cleaner
"Works great for on-farm seed cleaning," reports Sam Humphries, sales manager for My-D Han-D, Dodge City, Kan., manufacturer of a new-style portable seed cleaner that resembles a grain elevator.
Seed is fed into the top of the cleaner and is cleaned as it moves by gravity toward the bottom. Two 12-in. wide, 10-ft. long screens, one on top of the other, are powered by a ¢-hp. motor and move in an oscillating motion. The top screen removes large foreign material while chaff and fines fall through both screens to a pan and then out the bottom end of the cleaner. Clean seed comes off the second, or bottom screen.
Capacity, depending on the crop, is up to 200 bu. an hour and can be varied by adjusting the angle of the cleaner via a hand winch. The steeper the cleaner's set, the faster seed goes through, but the less thorough the cleaning job.
Sells for $895. Screens are available for different crops including corn, soybeans and wheat.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, My-D Han-D Mfg., Inc., Rt. 1, West McArtor, Dodge City, Kan. 67801 (ph 316 225-0263 or 227-2835).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #3