1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #12
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Udder Singeing System Fast, Safe
The idea of burning hair off cows' udders has caught on in the last few years as a way of reducing disease. Most farmers do it with an ordinary hand torch, but now there's a new system out that's designed specifically for udder singeing.The "Udder Singe" consists of 25 ft. of hose and nozzle, a specially calibrated LP gas regulator, flame-proof mitten, striker/ignitor, and plastic caddie with large casters for easy rolling on rough surfaces.
To use, you connect the equipment to a 20-lb. LP tank (not included) and strike the spark ignitor until ignition occurs. Adjust the flame to 4 to 6 in., then pass the flame over areas to be singed briefly to remove excess hair. The whole process takes only about 45 seconds per cow and because the temperature of the flame is low (750? F) there's virtually no chance of harming your cows or you. It also uses less gas than an ordinary hand torch.
A 20-lb. LP tank will singe more than 10,000 cows, the company says.
Sells for $243 plus $10 S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dry Enterprises Inc., 1428 Rosecrans Lane, Green Cove Springs, Fla. 32043 (ph 800 749-6550; fax 904 284-0964).

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