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Christmas Light Display Wows Passersby
For several years Tim Viets, Brazilton, Kan., and his sister Terry, have been treating their neighbors to a colorful display of lighted farm machinery that appear to be in motion. He uses green lights to outline the frames of tractors, combines, grain drills, etc., and white flashing lights to outline the tires so they appear to be moving.
"People look forward to it every year," says Viets, who farms with his brothers Mike and Mark. "Some call from up to 90 miles away to ask if the lights are up yet."
One display featured a tug-of-war between a Deere "B" tractor and a Deere 8850 4-WD tractor. A lighted chain extended between the tractors, and the lights on the tires were synchronized to look like the tractors were pulling against each other. Another showed a Deere 7520 4-WD tractor pulling a 36-ft. Great Plains drill (see photo). Flashing white lights were strung around the disc openers to make it look like they were moving. Another year Viets showed a Deere 7720 combine with a "rotating" header.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Terry Viets, Rt. 2, Girard, Kan. 66743 (ph 316 395-2411).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1