1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #11
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Battery-Powered Mouse Trap
A Texas inventor says his battery-powered mousetrap catches mice like no other trap ever put on the market.It consists of a container filled with water. A roller, coupled to a small electric motor, is suspended over the water. A baited switch mounts over the roller. When the mouse or rat walks out on the roller and grabs the bait, it closes the switch, activating the motor. The rodent is rolled off into the water and drowns.
Keith Lamb of Gruver, Texas, says the trap keeps catching mice without resetting, and remains odor-free for days.
"Works great in kitchens, barns, ware-houses, and anywhere else," says Lamb, who has applied for a patent and hopes to find a manufacturer.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Keith Lamb, Box 340, Gruver, Texas 79040 (ph 806-733-2893).

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