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Wheeled Boom Lifts Hefty Loads
Richard Hinds, Springfield, Ill., gets more lift power by mounting his tractor boom on a wheeled axle. It's also a lot safer when lifting a heavy load.
Much of the time, when lifting a moderate size load, he doesn't even use the wheels - just the 3-pt. to which the lift boom attaches. However, when lifting bigger loads, the wheels provide extra support to prevent rear overloads. Still, the front of the tractor will still come off the ground when carrying a particularly big load.
The axle was salvaged from the front end of an old GMC truck. It's rigged for hydraulic steering which is controlled by tractor hydraulics. The boom telescopes for added reach. It had enough length to set roof trusses on a building Hind erected recently.
One advantage of putting the boom on wheels is that it can be towed down the road like a trailer so it can be hauled from farm to farm by a pickup. If a pickup was outfitted with hydraulics, it could be used to operate the boom.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Richard Hinds, Rt. 5, Box 283A, Springfield, Ill. 62707 (ph 217 652-2956).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #4