1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #10
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Water Bumper Supplies Clean Water In Field
You'll always have clean water at your fingertips in the field with this new "water bumper" for pickups.Invented by Tillar, Ark., farmer Jeff Felts, the idea was entered in the American Farm Bureau Federation's Farmer Idea Exchange contest.
It consists simply of a bumper made of 5-in. sq. tubing with ends welded shut and a spring hitch welded underneath. The bumper extends 1 in. out from each side of Felts' pickup and bolts onto mounting brackets welded to the frame of the truck.
The bumper is fitted with a 3/4-in. household water faucet on the bottom and a pressure release valve screwed into the inner side. On the opposite side of the release valve is a T coupling that Felts uses to pressurize the bumper with about 20 lbs. of air from his compressor when the bumper is nearly full.
The bumper, which Felts fills with a gar-den hose, holds about 12 gal. of water, enough to clean hands after working with chemicals or before lunch.
Out-of-pocket expense was about $285. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jeff Felts, P.O. Box 186, Tillar Equipment, Tillar, Ark. 71670 (ph 501 392-7714).

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