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Add On Twine Tie Arm For Vermeer Balers
"Before I added this twine tie arm it took about as long to tie a bale as it did to make it," says Jack Lenoir, Cut Bank, Mont., about the double twine tie arm kit he rigged up on his Vermeer 605 F round baler.
The modification included a second twine-tie arm and two large twine boxes that each hold 4 to 5 balls of twine.
"The baler originally wrapped so slow I would get in a hurry and not put enough twine on which made the bales hard to handle later," says Lenoir. "Also, with two strings tied on the bale if I ever break one, the other one will hold the bale together.
"Both arms wrap the bale at the same time so I can wrap the bale twice as fast. I made the conversion in the spring of 1989 and have since converted two more balers for neighbors who are very satisfied with them. My double twine tie arm would also work on Vermeer 605 Super F, G, and H balers. Of course, most newer round balers now have double twine tie arms," notes Lenoir, who adds that he's willing to make a do-it-yourself kit available on a custom basis if there's enough interest.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jack Lenoir, Box 102, Cut Bank, Mont. 59427 (ph 406 336-3253 or 406 873-4069).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #3