1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #09
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Chisel Disk Designed For Bean Ground
Harvey Lorton, Greenfield, Ill., looked at conventional disk chisels on the market and didn't like what he saw, so he built his own "chisel disk" for working up bean fields.His "chisel disk" started out as a 9-shank Brillion V-ripper. He modified it for trash clearance by making it into a 7-chisel plow mounted on a high-lift caddy for extra ground clearance. Coulters off a moldboard plow mount on the caddy, running directly ahead of each shank.
Lorton added wings to each shank - 5 in. on each side. They lift and shatter the soil.
The caddy cart was made from scratch out of 5 by 5-in. square tubing. Cylinders on the caddy have 2 ft. of lift.
Lorton pulls the high-clearance chisel disk at 6 mph with a 310 hp. Versatile 936.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harvey Lorton, Greenfield, Ill. 62044 (ph 217 368-2168).

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