1990 - Volume #14, Issue #5, Page #15
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Allis Chalmers 4WD Repowered With Cummins Diesel Engine
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"We priced short blocks from Intemational, Deere and Deutz-Allis, but found them all to be too expensive. Finally we priced a Cummins engine and found it to be $3,500 less than Deutz-Allis, and Cummins gave us a 5-year warranty compared to only a 6 mo. warranty from Deutz-Allis.
"We first had a flywheel and adaptor plate custom-made at a shop in North Dakota that used specs from a repower specialist in Australia. Then we put the engine into the
tractor with the help of a local farmer with his own shop.
"In order to match the previous engine, we set the 8.3 liter engine at 2,500 rpm's with 215 hp. We routed the exhaust out the side rather than through the hood. We were able to use the radiator, starter, generator and air conditioner off the old engine.
"The repowered tractor has almost the same horsepower but more torque which makes for increased pulling power. We now pull implements 1/2 mph faster and it pulls like it's just playing."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Howard B. Hilbert, 37136 Cty Rd 2 Franklin, Minn. 55333 (ph 507 557-8232).

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