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Buy Yourself An Ear Corn Picker
Some corn growers may harvest part of their 1986 crop as ear corn, then store it outside in low-cost snow fence or wire cribbing.
Here's a quick-rundown on "who makes what" in ear corn pickers:
Deere's 300 pull-type ear Corn Husker is available with three different heads: Model 243 (takes two 28, 30 or 32 in. rows); Model 244 (takes two 36, 38 or 40 in. rows); and Model 343 (takes three 28, 30 or 32 in. rows). The same heads adapt to Deere's forage harvester for chopping high moisture ear corn and thus, are readily available used from Deere dealers.
Stitzel Enterprises, of Hamburg, Penn., recently purchased New Idea's entire factory inventory of one row (Model 323) and two row (Model 324) pull-type ear corn pickers. "We bought 41 two row and 217 one row pickers which we're selling direct, at bargain prices, to farmers and dealers. We're asking buyers to sign a waiver of liability in case of accidental injury," Brian Stitzel told FARM SHOW. Stitzel's price for the two row Model 324 is $10,950, including the husking bed. An optional sheller attachment is $3,500. Stitzel's price on the one row Model 323 pickers is $5,850.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stitzel Enterprises Inc., Rt. 2, Hamburg, Penn. 19526 (ph 215 562-8377, or 562-7451).
New Idea no longer makes pull-type pickers but still makes the self-propelled Uni-System with its husking bed attachment. Heads are available to handle 3, 4 or 6 rows. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, New Idea, 123 W. Sycamore, Coldwater, Ohio 45828 (ph 419 678-5311).
Vermeer Mfg. currently makes pull-type pickers on a custom order basis. However, to get a machine for this fall you needed to order it back in June. Machines are built to handle four 30 in., four 38 in., or six 30 in. rows.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vermeer Mfg., New Sharon Road, Pella, Iowa 52019 (ph 515 628-3141).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #5