1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #08
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Poly Hubs Keep Tractor's Rear Wheels From Breaking Off Stalks
Dudley Johnson raises seed corn and plants it in a "6-2" pattern - six female rows alternating with two male rows. He uses a 2-row stalk chopper to destroy the male rows after the corn has pollinated. The problem was that whenever he chopped the male rows, the protruding axles on the rear wheels of his Farmall 400 tractor would occasionally break off stalks in the female rows on either side.He solved the problem by cutting the ends out of an old 500-gal. poly water tank and fastening them to each wheel. He drilled a pair of holes in the poly and ran a length of chain through to the back side of each wheel. An 8-in. dia. steel plate bolts to the center of each poly cover to fit against the end of each axle.
"The poly covers deflect stalks instead of breaking them. They fit perfectly and cover the entire wheel," says Johnson. "The only other alternative is to cut the axles off."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dudley Johnson 712 Elm St., Kanawha, Iowa 50447 (ph 515 762-3342).

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