Cleaning Air Filters
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Like a dirty shirt, expensive air filters can be washed for reuse. One of the pioneers in this new service, which is being franchised through dealers, many of whom are farmers, is the Everroad Co., developer of the Cyclo-Rinse air filter cleaning system.
You can have tractor, combine and other air filters washed via the Cyclo-Rinse process for about one third of what they cost new. Most filters can be washed 4 to 5 times.
"We've got about 100 franchised operators scattered throughout the U.S.," Lee Everroad, president of the Colorado-based firm, told FARM SHOW. "We're setting up new dealers right along and hope to have the service readily-available in all states in the near future."
He reports that some of his best dealers are farmers, most of whom started the custom service as a sideline to farming. A complete Cyclo-Rinse "package" needed to start your own air filter cleaning business costs right at $10,000. "We feel our washed filter exchange program provides a 50 to 75% savings to the customer," says Everroad.
For more details on availability of the custom cleaning service in your area, or on the possibility of becoming a franchised dealer for the service, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Everroad Co., 5400 East 56th Ave., Commerce City, Colo. 80022 (ph. 303 287-0141).

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Cleaning Air Filters TRACTORS Accessories 1-2-20 Like a dirty shirt, expensive air filters can be washed for reuse. One of the pioneers in this new service, which is being franchised through dealers, many of whom are farmers, is the Everroad Co., developer of the Cyclo-Rinse air filter cleaning system.
You can have tractor, combine and other air filters washed via the Cyclo-Rinse process for about one third of what they cost new. Most filters can be washed 4 to 5 times.
"We've got about 100 franchised operators scattered throughout the U.S.," Lee Everroad, president of the Colorado-based firm, told FARM SHOW. "We're setting up new dealers right along and hope to have the service readily-available in all states in the near future."
He reports that some of his best dealers are farmers, most of whom started the custom service as a sideline to farming. A complete Cyclo-Rinse "package" needed to start your own air filter cleaning business costs right at $10,000. "We feel our washed filter exchange program provides a 50 to 75% savings to the customer," says Everroad.
For more details on availability of the custom cleaning service in your area, or on the possibility of becoming a franchised dealer for the service, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Everroad Co., 5400 East 56th Ave., Commerce City, Colo. 80022 (ph. 303 287-0141).
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