Fire Extinguisher Power By Air Pressure In Tires
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You'll like this new high-volume fire extinguisher that consists of a 30-gal. pressurized tank and a 50-ft. hose. "Lets you quickly put out fires before they get out of control using air pressure from one of your tires," says Neal Moyse, Riceton, Sask.
If a fire occurs, the 30-gal. galvanized steel tank - which is filled with water - is quickly pressurized by hooking it up to a quick coupler that mounts on the valve stem of one of the truck, tractor, or combine tires. Or, if machine has air brakes, to a quick coupler on the reserve air tank. The water hose stores on the side of the box.
"It has 10 times as much capacity as a conventional fire extinguisher and is right there when you need it," says Moyse. "The trick to putting out a fire is to extinguish it in its early stages. If you let it get a 5-minute lead you have no chance. The biggest conventional fire extinguishers have a capacity of only about 3 gal. and cost a lot to re-charge. Our tank never needs to be re-charged. You can adjust the nozzle to pro-duce anything from a mist to a steady stream of water.
"When you hook the air hose up to a 90 psi truck tire it takes about 10 minutes to use up all the water. It takes a little longer on big combine tires that have only about 25 lbs. of pressure. The tank can also be pressurized by a spare tire or by an air compressor. We also sell surfactants that increase the ability of water to penetrate dense crop residue when putting out grass or stubble fires. The kit includes the tank, hoses, mountingbrackets, and quick coupler air hose fittings. We can custom make brackets to fit any type of farm equipment."
Sells for $325.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Neal Moyse, Box 29, Riceton, Sask., Canada S0G 4E0 (ph 306 738-4432).

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Fire Extinguisher Power By Air Pressure In Tires TIRES/WHEELS Miscellaneous 17-5-28 You'll like this new high-volume fire extinguisher that consists of a 30-gal. pressurized tank and a 50-ft. hose. "Lets you quickly put out fires before they get out of control using air pressure from one of your tires," says Neal Moyse, Riceton, Sask.
If a fire occurs, the 30-gal. galvanized steel tank - which is filled with water - is quickly pressurized by hooking it up to a quick coupler that mounts on the valve stem of one of the truck, tractor, or combine tires. Or, if machine has air brakes, to a quick coupler on the reserve air tank. The water hose stores on the side of the box.
"It has 10 times as much capacity as a conventional fire extinguisher and is right there when you need it," says Moyse. "The trick to putting out a fire is to extinguish it in its early stages. If you let it get a 5-minute lead you have no chance. The biggest conventional fire extinguishers have a capacity of only about 3 gal. and cost a lot to re-charge. Our tank never needs to be re-charged. You can adjust the nozzle to pro-duce anything from a mist to a steady stream of water.
"When you hook the air hose up to a 90 psi truck tire it takes about 10 minutes to use up all the water. It takes a little longer on big combine tires that have only about 25 lbs. of pressure. The tank can also be pressurized by a spare tire or by an air compressor. We also sell surfactants that increase the ability of water to penetrate dense crop residue when putting out grass or stubble fires. The kit includes the tank, hoses, mountingbrackets, and quick coupler air hose fittings. We can custom make brackets to fit any type of farm equipment."
Sells for $325.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Neal Moyse, Box 29, Riceton, Sask., Canada SOG 4E0 (ph 306 738-4432).
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