1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #04
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Update On Bird Proof Building
"Since the first report in FARM SHOW, we've put up buildings all over North America for all kinds of uses," says Bruce Meidinger, designer and builder of Eagle Rigid Span "bird proof" wood-frame buildings that have no trusses for pest birds to land on and which have a number of advantages over steel-frame buildings.The buildings can be built up to 120-ft. wide without support posts and with-out trusses. One key feature of the building design is that it's easy to insulate and finish because it's framed on 2-ft. centers. Saves on labor and material costs. The roof can be insulated to R-38 and the sidewalls to R-19. What's more the steeper roof pitch allows faster cooling through roof vents in summer.
"They've very popular for farm shops, machine sheds, dairy barns and other farm structures. They're also used for churches, gyms, manufacturing plants, schools, offices, hockey rinks, airplane hangars, retail malls, and more. They're built far stronger than any pole-type wood building and cost less than most steel-frame buildings yet have twice the roof load capacity at 40 lbs. per sq. ft.," says Meidinger.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bruce Meidinger, Eagle Rigid Spans, Inc., 3113 E. Broadway, Bismarck, N.Dak. 50501 (ph 800 279-7726 or 701 224-1877).

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