1991 - Volume #15, Issue #3, Page #27
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Made It Myself Sliding Drawbar
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"Without a sliding drawbar you some-times have to back up several times to get lined up just right. The trouble with some of the sliding drawbars on the market is that they're not secure and also you usually have to back up to latch them," says Craig Morton, Fort Madison, Iowa.
His drawbar latch simply consists of two lift-up bars on either side of the bar. To swing the drawbar to either side, you just raise the bar on that side and slide the drawbar over under it. When you pull ahead after hookup, the bar will center itself and the latch drops back down by gravity, holding the drawbar firmly in place.
In addition, the "circle hitch" pin at the end of the drawbar is held in place by a spring-loaded pin. You can pivot the pin hole back and forth for hookup and then, as you pull ahead, the pin will lock automatically as the drawbar straightens out.
Morton says he's used the drawbar on all types of wagons and implements without a problem. He's willing to sell build-it-yourself plans to anyone interested.
For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Craig Morton, Rt. 1, Box 231-B, Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 (ph 319 528-6238).

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