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Super Sweep Dumps and Rakes
Latest new development in high-speed stacking of loose hay is the "Super Sweep". It gathers windrow swaths into buck-rake size bunches.
"The Super Sweep is twice as fast as other rakes," says Dusty Gilger, designer and manufacturer. "It covers 10-15 acres per hour and makes it possible for a 2-man crew to cut and stack 40-50 acres a day. A 4 or 5-man crew can cut and stack 80-100 acres a day.
The machine features wheel rakes on hydraulic wings and a dump rake on a tailgate. The wings adjust to pick up 12-16 ft. swaths. For road travel, the width of the machine is 14 ft. with wings folded.
"Besides being fast, the SuperSweep is gentle so there is a minimum of leaf shattering of hay or damage to grain and seed crops. It is also efficient for cleaning up spillage left by the buck rake or sweeping operation," explains Gilger.
"We've found it to give a 30% overall saving in labor, fuel and investment, compared with other popular hay systems. It's simple and maintenance-free."
The sweep operates with a 30-40 hp tractor with a low pressure hydraulic system. Sells for right at $5,000.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gilger Enterprises, Boyes, Mont. 59316 (ph 406 427-5730).

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #2