Portable Vise Used To Splice Belts
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Larry Zenz, Parks, Ark.: "I use this portable vise in the hay fields behind my round baler to splice belts. I made it out of heavy pipe, 7/8-in. threaded rod, steel plate, and a disc blade. The disc blade forms the base. Two pieces of heavy plate steel mount on sections of pipe that fit inside each other. A "T" handle turns the pipe in and out."

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Portable Vise Used To Splice Belts FARM SHOP Handy Hints 21-3-32 Larry Zenz, Parks, Ark.: "I use this portable vise in the hay fields behind my round baler to splice belts. I made it out of heavy pipe, 7/8-in. threaded rod, steel plate, and a disc blade. The disc blade forms the base. Two pieces of heavy plate steel mount on sections of pipe that fit inside each other. A "T" handle turns the pipe in and out."
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