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Kit Converts Mounted Planters To Pull-Type
You can convert Case-IH 800 and 900 and Deere 7100 mounted planters to pull-type with a new kit from Campbell Mfg., Day-ton, Iowa, that lets you handle planters with smaller tractors.
The kit consists of a 9-ft. long tongue made of 4 by 6-in., 1/4-in. thick steel tubing, a pair of dual wheels equipped with hydraulic cylinders that plumb into the planter's lift assist wheels, and hydraulic hoses.
"It makes the planter much easier to handle and eliminates the possibilty of damage to the 3-pt.," says Campbell. "It's especially helpful for Case-IH 800 and 900 12-row mounted planters because they're so big that even a large tractor must have weights on the front end. By converting to pull-type, you can turn shorter on head-lands and do a better job of following con-tours, and also use your pickup for transport. One hydraulic lever is used to raise and lower all four wheels at once." Sells for $2,985.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Campbell Mfg. Co., Dayton, Iowa 50530 (ph 515 547-2659).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2