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In Between Cart Built From IH Combine
"We built this spray cart to pull between our tractor and either a 34-ft. soil finisher or a 50-ft. field cultivator, at speeds over 8 mph," says Chuck Meixel, Jr., Starbuck, Minn., who used the frame from a junked-out IH 914 combine.
"We equipped it with a 1,000 gal. tank and a DemperSND-1 ground-drive hydraulic pump for agitation. Cart measures 120 in. from center to center of wheels so we're able to use it in row crops. Length is 15 ft:, 10 in. from hitch pin to hitch pin. Axle measures 3¢ in. by 7¢ in. with 5/16-in.sidewalls and fitted with 2¢ in. spindles.
"We have pulled it for two years and have never had to repair anything on it. We feel that we can really conserve soil moisture by doing everything in just one trip. Normally we had to make two trips to incorporate Treflan and Eradicane. We've built other similar carts, ranging from 500 to 1,600 gal., for about half the price of comparable commercial rigs."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chuck Meixel, Jr., Rt. 1, Box 45, Starbuck, Minn. 56381 (ph 612 239-2934).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #3