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Battery-Powered Window Washer
Cleaning windows has never been as easy as it is with this new battery-powered hand-held unit that's ideal for household use and also works great on combine and tractor cab windows.
The Karcher window washer is powered by an 8-oz. battery. It has an 8-oz. tank that holds cleaning solution which is pumped out through a 4 1/2-ft. hose leading to a 10-in. wide squeegee that has a lambswool-like pad on back.
A switch on the unit first pumps cleaning fluid onto the window, then you use the lambswool pad to scrub off the dirt. Then you activate the unit's vacuum pump and use the squeegee to suck off the dirt and cleaning fluid.
"It saves time and eliminates the need to haul water, cleaning solution, towels, etc., to the job," says Loren Thoennes, Brenco Corp., West Fargo, N. Dak. "Vacuuming off liquid works better because there's no film left on the window and it also keeps water from dripping off the windows. The battery lasts 30 to 40 minutes but you only have to use the pump and vacuum about 25% of the time per job so it'll run 2 1/2 to 3 hours be-fore needing a recharge. The unit weighs 6 lbs. and can be used with a shoulder strap. It's so popular with housewives for cleaning glass, mirrors, pictures, tiles, etc., that a lot of farmers seldom get the chance to use it outside."
Sells for $179. Wand extensions are avail-able in 19 and 38-in. lengths and sell for $12 and $15, respectively.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brenco Corp., 123 East Main Ave., West Fargo, N.Dak. 58078 (ph 800 867-2225 or 701 282-2225).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #2