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New-Style Hoof Trimmer
"Conventional hand trimmers require skill and experience but anyone can do a perfect job trimming hooves with this powered cutting disc," says John Meikle, Smithfield, Utah. His new hoof trimming disc fits any 4¢ in. right angle grinder.
Meikle got the idea for the disc when he had trouble trying to teach his boys to trim hooves by hand. He felt there had to be a better way. "They became experts with this disc in minutes. The problem with knives and most other hand hoof trimmers is that you never know how deep to cut, so it's easy to cut into flesh and draw blood. This trimming disc shaves off little slivers of hoof so you can see the pinkness of the foot as you trim.
Makes it easy to cut to the perfect depth every time," says Meikle.
The 4¢-in. dia. blade has long-wearing "plug-free" cutting edges. Fits any 4¢-in. right angle grinder. In addition to accuracy, Meikle says it also works faster and requires less effort to operate than hand trimmers. Disc can be resharpened as needed. Works on cattle, horses and sheep.
Discs are available in coarse, medium and fine "cuts" to suit various hoof sizes and configurations. They sell for about $30 apiece.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Meikle, Smithfield, Utah 84335.

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #2