Hose Hangers Made From 5-Gallon Plastic Pails
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Jerry Miles, Spearfish, S.Dak.: "I make handy hose hangers from 5-gal. plastic pails with lids on them. First I cut away about 2/3 of the lid with a saber saw. Then I screw the botom of the bucket to a 2 by 2-ft. piece of 3/4-in. plywood. You have to use big washers on the screws or you can cut out a round piece of plywood and put it in the bottom of the bucket and screw through that. Next, I hang the plywood on the wall with the bucket facing out. It works great to hold cords and hoses and you can put small accessories inside the bucket."
Peyton E. Smith, Covington, Tenn.: "I'm disappointed with the power steering and lift on my 1370 Case tractor. After re-placing some worn parts, it really isn't much better. I also changed the hydraulic oil and filters. Does anyone have any ideas?"

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Hose Hangers Made From 5-Gallon Plastic Pails FARM SHOP Handy Hints 21-3-32 Jerry Miles, Spearfish, S.Dak.: "I make handy hose hangers from 5-gal. plastic pails with lids on them. First I cut away about 2/3 of the lid with a saber saw. Then I screw the botom of the bucket to a 2 by 2-ft. piece of 3/4-in. plywood. You have to use big washers on the screws or you can cut out a round piece of plywood and put it in the bottom of the bucket and screw through that. Next, I hang the plywood on the wall with the bucket facing out. It works great to hold cords and hoses and you can put small accessories inside the bucket."
Peyton E. Smith, Covington, Tenn.: "I'm disappointed with the power steering and lift on my 1370 Case tractor. After re-placing some worn parts, it really isn't much better. I also changed the hydraulic oil and filters. Does anyone have any ideas?"
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