1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #27
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New Rowcar For Handicapped Kids
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The fun car for kids, called a Rowcar, is self-propelled by a rowing bar (similar in principal to a railroad hand car). The child's back and forth arm movements propel it backwards, forwards, right and left.
The Rowcar provides children with limited leg use greater mobility than that afforded by a wheel chair, allowing them to play with other children with less danger of the vehicle overturning.
The Rowcar's approximate weight is 21 lbs. It's made of molded, high impact plastic and is 37 in. long. The contoured width at the seat of the Rowcar is about 11 inches. It has an adjustable foot rest varying from 24 to 31 inches. Sells for $150. Because it's a medical device and not a toy, its cost may be reimbursible by health insurance.
The Rowcar is the brainchild of Australian inventor, Burton Terry, who undertook the effort as part of a Rotarian project in Nunawading, Australia. Originally conceived to give mobility to children from 4 to 10 years with spinal bifida, it works equally well for those with cerebral palsy, polio and other handicaps affecting the use of the spine and lower extremities. Ultimately, larger models of the Rowcar will be developed for use by adults, according to the manufacturer.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, The Lossing Co., 2217 Nicollet Ave. S., Minneapolis, Mn. 55404 (ph. 612 871-7250).

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