1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #31
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Small Tractor
I built this small tractor in my workshop. It's 6 ft. long and 3 ft. wide. The steering wheel is from an H International tractor. The back wheels, axle and 3-speed transmission came from an old David Bradley garden tractor. A 3 1/2-hp. Briggs & Stratton engine provides the power. The frame is made out of angle iron. I mounted a second, 10-in. long tranmission (from a 1951 GMC 1/2-ton pickup) crossways ahead of the first transmission. The two transmissions give me power and a variety of speeds. It can be equipped with a sickle bar on front for mowing. I also made a 2-wheel dump cart that I use for odd jobs. I also made a 1-row cultivator for it and a V-shaped snowplow that fits on front. In winter time, I use it to pull a bobsled that children ride in. All my children and grandchildren have learned to drive the tractor. They all say it helped them a lot when they were older and had to learn to drive a car. (John Harp, Easton, 111. 62633 ph 309 562-7457)
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