1992 - Volume #16, Issue #3, Page #25
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Crashguard For IH Combines
"I got the idea after having a bad experience with my IH 815 combine," says John Harting, Harco, Ind., who developed what he calls a "CrashGard" slip clutch for the straw walker drive shafts on IH 815 and 915 combines.Hailing says he learned the hard way that straw walker drives are not protected when they plug up or material bridges over the walkers. "When the walkers get obstructed, the chain drive doesn't stop, which can cause major damage. After replacing all the walkers and both crankshafts in my own machine, I decided I never wanted to do it again and came up with a slip clutch that installs in place of the original drive sprocket. Now, if the back end plugs, the sprocket will slip instead of self-destructing."
He notes that there is a plug-up warning system on the combine but that "it's usually activated too late to prevent damage to walkers".
The CrashGard kit comes with every-thing needed to convert the drive sprocket. It consists of a hub, special bearing collar, special bored and faced sprocket, and a torque adjusting wrench. Sells for $375.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harco Industries, Inc., 1518 N. Buck Creek Road, Greenfield, Ind. 46140 (ph 317 894-4210).
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