Electric Junction Box
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We're now offering a new low-cost Model II version of our electric "Junction Box" (Vol. 15, No. 6) that mounts on the side of the tractor or combine for easy, no hassle electrical hookups. It works like a fusebox and has four circuits with 30 amp, 12-volt capacity. Comes with a heavy duty 10-ga. cable that connects to the battery. It provides quick and easy power access from inside the cab. Sells for $49.95. (Tri-R Innovations, Inc., 628 S. Sangamon Ave., Gibson City, ill. 60936 ph 217 784-8495)

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Electric Junction Box COMBINES Accessories 18-2-34 We're now offering a new low-cost Model II version of our electric "Junction Box" (Vol. 15, No. 6) that mounts on the side of the tractor or combine for easy, no hassle electrical hookups. It works like a fusebox and has four circuits with 30 amp, 12-volt capacity. Comes with a heavy duty 10-ga. cable that connects to the battery. It provides quick and easy power access from inside the cab. Sells for $49.95. (Tri-R Innovations, Inc., 628 S. Sangamon Ave., Gibson City, ill. 60936 ph 217 784-8495)
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