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Will This Be Next World Record Steer?
"He's a legend come to life," says Darrell Roehl who farms near Odessa, Minn., about his giant 2 1/2-year-old pet steer named "Big Blue" that already weighs over 2,250 lbs.
That's even close to the world's record listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, but Roehl thinks his steer might have a shot. The world record is currently held by a 5,000-lb. Holstein-Durham cross owned by A.S. Rand of Maine.
"Big Blue" is likely a Holstein-Simmental cross and is grayish-brown in color. Roehl bought the steer and two other Hereford steers at about 400 lbs. in December of 1992 at a Watertown, S. Dak., auction barn. There was nothing remark-able about him until he started growing and growing and growing.
Now, "Big Blue" stands 5-ft. tall at the top of his shoulders. He has an 86-in. girth and a 30-in. horn span.
Roehl hopes "Big Blue" will be invited to some of the Paul Bunyon celebrations Minnesota observes every year to portray "Babe," the blue ox.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Darrell Roehl, R.R. 1, Box 55, Odessa, Minn. 56276 (ph 612 568-2378).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #3