Homemade Chaff Spreader
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I needed a vehicle to haul lumber in so I re-moved the bed from my 1976 Chevrolet 3/ 4-ton pickup and replaced it with a home-built 12-ft. long, 7 1/2-ft. wide bed. It's equipped with 2-ft. high screen sides and has a treated plywood floor. I used 2 by 10 channel iron to lengthen the pickup frame. I also had to lengthen the driveshaft. The en-tire bed is open with no wheel wells in the way so I can carry a lot of lumber. It still has the original rear bumper.
I also made a chaff spreader for my 1979 Deere 7721 pull-type combine. I spent just $400 to $500. I used 2 by 3-in. steel tubing to make a frame and mounted a steel plate on it that supports four 18-in. long paddles. The paddles are 4 in. high and have a 1-in. lip at the top. A shield welded onto a steel plate deflects chaff out both sides. The combine's return elevator belt-drives a short length of pto shaft that powers the paddles. I mounted a pair of idler pulleys on the side of the combine and another pulley under the paddles in order to reach the pto shaft. I made a similar chaff spreader for my friend's New Holland TR 86 combine. (Clifford Czinkota, Box 40, Fenwood, Sask., Canada S0A 0Y0 ph 306 782-7215).

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Homemade Chaff Spreader COMBINES Accessories 20-4-36 I needed a vehicle to haul lumber in so I re-moved the bed from my 1976 Chevrolet 3/ 4-ton pickup and replaced it with a home-built 12-ft. long, 7 1/2-ft. wide bed. It's equipped with 2-ft. high screen sides and has a treated plywood floor. I used 2 by 10 channel iron to lengthen the pickup frame. I also had to lengthen the driveshaft. The en-tire bed is open with no wheel wells in the way so I can carry a lot of lumber. It still has the original rear bumper.
I also made a chaff spreader for my 1979 Deere 7721 pull-type combine. I spent just $400 to $500. I used 2 by 3-in. steel tubing to make a frame and mounted a steel plate on it that supports four 18-in. long paddles. The paddles are 4 in. high and have a 1-in. lip at the top. A shield welded onto a steel plate deflects chaff out both sides. The combine's return elevator belt-drives a short length of pto shaft that powers the paddles. I mounted a pair of idler pulleys on the side of the combine and another pulley under the paddles in order to reach the pto shaft. I made a similar chaff spreader for my friend's New Holland TR 86 combine. (Clifford Czinkota, Box 40, Fenwood, Sask., Canada S0A 0Y0 ph 306 782-7215).
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