Quick Clip Attachment For Cultivator Shovels
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Our new "Quick Clip" attachment for cultivator shovels eliminates wear on the bottom bolt and saves the frustration of always having to change shovels. The "Quick Clip" consists of a rectangular spring steel clip with a slot on one end and a slotted pin. The pin goes in the bottom hole of the cultivator shovel, replacing the original bolt. It allows faster installation and removal of cultivator shovels because there's only one bolt to remove. The clip follows the curve of the shank to keep pressure on the slotted pin so that it never comes loose. The clip and pin sell for $2.95. (Damps Enterprises, Box 38, Mazenod, Sask., Canada S0H 2Y0 ph 306 354-7796)

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Quick Clip Attachment For Cultivator Shovels CULTIVATORS Cultivators (58C) 18-2-35 Our new "Quick Clip" attachment for cultivator shovels eliminates wear on the bottom bolt and saves the frustration of always having to change shovels. The "Quick Clip" consists of a rectangular spring steel clip with a slot on one end and a slotted pin. The pin goes in the bottom hole of the cultivator shovel, replacing the original bolt. It allows faster installation and removal of cultivator shovels because there's only one bolt to remove. The clip follows the curve of the shank to keep pressure on the slotted pin so that it never comes loose. The clip and pin sell for $2.95. (Damps Enterprises, Box 38, Mazenod, Sask., Canada SOH 2Y0 ph 306 354-7796)
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