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Oil Painting Doubles As A Space Heater
"It looks so good you'll forget it's a heater," says Gordon Hamilton, inventor of Heat-R-Pics, a space heater that's also an original oil painting.
Hamilton says the 500-watt radiant heater is super-efficient and will keep a living room cozy warm for less than 50 cents per day. He used to spend $1,200 a year on fuel oil to heat his own 2,200 sq. ft. home. "I heat it now with five oil paintings for just $65 a month for electricity and less than $200 for backup heating oil," he told FARM SHOW.
The combination painting-heater consists of a 22 ga. steel panel that generates radiant heat. It's the same steel panel that contractors use to put radiant heat in floors or ceilings. The panel is painted with heat-resistant acrylic paint by 6 artists Hamilton employs, and then framed. All it requires is an ordinary 110-volt wall socket.
"There's no fan or moving parts. It's better than a baseboard heater because it puts out radiant heat which means it sends out waves of infra-red heat like the sun that only heat objects and not the air," says Hamilton, noting that the largest panel ù 24 by 48 in. ù requires just 1 or 2 cents per hour to run.
The 500-watt 24 x 46 in. model sells for $350. A range of smaller models that draw as few as 180-watts are also available. Blank, unpainted models can also be purchased for painting by your own local artist.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gordon Hamilton, 21st Century Systems Inc., 90 Calvin Chambers, Thornhill, Ontario, L4J 1E7 Canada (ph 416 731-3305).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #6