1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #06
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Look What They're Putting On Plows
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Plows equipped with special attachments for injecting an experimental liquid polymer lubricant are being field tested this spring in Alabama and Georgia. The idea: To "slippery up" the plow bottoms with a friction-reducing lubricant so gumbo and other problem soils can be plowed easier, and earlier without having to wait until they dry to the point they'll plow without scouring problems.
"Our experience to date shows it to be effective in sticky, adhesive soils," reports Dr. Robert Schafer, agricultural engineer at the National Tillage Machinery Laboratory (MTML) at Auburn, Ala. "With the use of a lubricant, we've seen as much as a 35% reduction in draft of a moldboard plow, and an improved plowing action. On the other hand, we've seen some fields where we observed very little benefit."
The experimental project is a cooperative effort involving NTML, Nalco Chemical Co., and International Harvester. Several agricultural research stations in Alabama and Georgia will be testing the new "grease injector" concept this spring, along with individual farmers.
"Commercial availability of the concept hinges pretty much on results of these trials," Paul DuBrow, manager of commercial development for Nalco, headquartered in Chicago, told FARM SHOW.
DuBrow emphasizes that the polymer lubricant being tested is water soluble and biodegradable, which means it breaks down and leaves no residue in the soil. The general rate of application has been 6 to 10 gal./acre of lubricant. It's estimated that the material, if it continues to show promise, could be injected via special equipment mounted on moldboard plows for about $1 an acre.
We'll keep you posted in FARM SHOW on further developments involving this promising new way to plow problem soils.

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