Mini Farmstead Is Exact Copy of 1930's Iowa Farm
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This "mini farmstead" is an exact replica of an actual 1930's Iowa farm and it draws big crowds wherever it's shown, according to Glen Foss, Jr., LaPorte City, Iowa, who takes it to various events around the Mid-west. The farmstead display mounts on a 30-ft. trailer and unfolds to a 15-ft. width.
The mini farmstead is an exact 1i'12 scale ' replica of the Ray Klein farmstead as it looked in the 1930's. Klein, who farmed near Reinbeck, Iowa, built the model in the late 1950's. Everything on it is hand-made from wood. Machinery show includes a steam tractor, threshing machine, horsepulled wagons, hay loader, hay rake, mower, corn planter, and two Deere tractors. All of the buildings are built in line and include a farm house, machine shed and chicken house (built together), corn crib, hog house, and silo and barn. There's also a windmill, trees, bobsled and cutter, and a lot of livestock.
"People really admire the detail," says Foss. "The house and all buildings are built identical to the original ones. Even the rooms in the house are true-to-life. There's a lot of extra detail, including a dog in the yard under the tree, a cat on the porch, two kittens on a porch railing, and a mouse peeking around the corner. There are pigeons on the barn roof, squirrels on the corn crib roof, and even a rat in the alleyway inside the hog house. A glider swing sets in the back yard.
"It took Klein eight years to complete after he sold his farm and was managing an appliance store. Then he went to work for Wausau Homes as a salesman and for several years went on the road with it for the company, attending fairs, home shows, etc. The company built the trailer especially for the exhibit and painted the background scene. When on display, the mini farmstead is covered by a big awning with a sign on top that says `Klein's Miniature Farmstead'. Exhibit folds up to an 8-ft. transport width."
Foss obtained the farmstead exhibit from Klein after it had sat outside for a number of years.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glen Foss, 14808 Hwy. 218 S., LaPorte City, Iowa 50651 (ph 319 342-2482).

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Mini Farmstead Is Exact Copy of 1930's Iowa Farm AG WORLD Ag World 18-2-19 This "mini farmstead" is an exact replica of an actual 1930's Iowa farm and it draws big crowds wherever it's shown, according to Glen Foss, Jr., LaPorte City, Iowa, who takes it to various events around the Mid-west. The farmstead display mounts on a 30-ft. trailer and unfolds to a 15-ft. width.
The mini farmstead is an exact 1i'12 scale ' replica of the Ray Klein farmstead as it looked in the 1930's. Klein, who farmed near Reinbeck, Iowa, built the model in the late 1950's. Everything on it is hand-made from wood. Machinery show includes a steam tractor, threshing machine, horsepulled wagons, hay loader, hay rake, mower, corn planter, and two Deere tractors. All of the buildings are built in line and include a farm house, machine shed and chicken house (built together), corn crib, hog house, and silo and barn. There's also a windmill, trees, bobsled and cutter, and a lot of livestock.
"People really admire the detail," says Foss. "The house and all buildings are built identical to the original ones. Even the rooms in the house are true-to-life. There's a lot of extra detail, including a dog in the yard under the tree, a cat on the porch, two kittens on a porch railing, and a mouse peeking around the corner. There are pigeons on the barn roof, squirrels on the corn crib roof, and even a rat in the alleyway inside the hog house. A glider swing sets in the back yard.
"It took Klein eight years to complete after he sold his farm and was managing an appliance store. Then he went to work for Wausau Homes as a salesman and for several years went on the road with it for the company, attending fairs, home shows, etc. The company built the trailer especially for the exhibit and painted the background scene. When on display, the mini farmstead is covered by a big awning with a sign on top that says `Klein's Miniature Farmstead'. Exhibit folds up to an 8-ft. transport width."
Foss obtained the farmstead exhibit from Klein after it had sat outside for a number of years.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glen Foss, 14808 Hwy. 218 S., LaPorte City, Iowa 50651 (ph 319 342-2482).
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