Looney Combine Hopper Covers
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We'd like to "update" FARM SHOW readers about Looney combine hopper covers, the original, patented cover system for combine grain tanks. My husband Joe Looney passed away in April, 1993. He and I started the business in 1989 and obtained a patent on the idea in 1992.
With the help of our local Deere and Case-IH dealers, the idea took off and we started advertising nationally. We had customers who wouldn't take a new combine off the lot until they had a Looney cover installed. We knew the product worked because Joe was a farmer and he had them on our own ma-chines.
After Joe died, I signed an agreement with a company to sell the hopper covers and pay me a royalty. That didn't work out and now I'm planning on running the company the way Joe and I originally intended. Each cover comes with hardware instructions and a fiberglass bow. The cover can be left on the combine during harvest and never taken off. Each cover is custom fit to your particular make of machine. Beware of imitation products on the market that don't fit as well and that will not hold up. (Gayle Looney, President, Looney Covers, Inc., West Memphis, Ark. 72301 )

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Looney Combine Hopper Covers COMBINES Accessories 20-4-34 We'd like to "update" FARM SHOW readers about Looney combine hopper covers, the original, patented cover system for combine grain tanks. My husband Joe Looney passed away in April, 1993. He and I started the business in 1989 and obtained a patent on the idea in 1992.
With the help of our local Deere and Case-IH dealers, the idea took off and we started advertising nationally. We had customers who wouldn't take a new combine off the lot until they had a Looney cover installed. We knew the product worked because Joe was a farmer and he had them on our own ma-chines.
After Joe died, I signed an agreement with a company to sell the hopper covers and pay me a royalty. That didn't work out and now I'm planning on running the company the way Joe and I originally intended. Each cover comes with hardware instructions and a fiberglass bow. The cover can be left on the combine during harvest and never taken off. Each cover is custom fit to your particular make of machine. Beware of imitation products on the market that don't fit as well and that will not hold up. (Gayle Looney, President, Looney Covers, Inc., 817 Dover Rd., West Memphis, Ark. 72301 ph 501 735-7776)
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