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Picker Attachment Keeps Husks On Corn
When many seed corn companies started requesting husk-on seed corn in order to reduce damage to kernals, Dale Opheim of Graettinger, Iowa, who raises seed corn himself, decided to come up with an attachment for pickers that would let existing equipment do the job.
The equipment he came up with fits New Idea 737 and 838 corn pickers. You just remove the husking bed and install a corn carrying conveyor and a fan that sucks air out over the conveyor, pulling excess husks and stacks out of the machine. The unit bolts to existing bolt holes without any modification to picker so if you ever want to harvest corn without husks, you can quickly convert back.
Opheim points out that many seed corn growers have been purchasing sweet corn harvesters, which keep the husks on but can cost as much as $100,000 or more. There are also other attachments that do what his does, but he says they cost $10,000 or more. His unit sells for just under $4,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dale Opheim Industries Inc., Box 57, Graettinger, Iowa 51342 (ph 712 859-3241).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #6