Crabgrass Makes Great Forage For Livestock
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When most people think of crabgrass, they think of a grassy weed that causes grief in yards, gardens and fields. But crabgrass can also be a top quality forage crop for grazing and making hay, says R.L. Dalrymple of Elstel Farm & Seeds, Ardmore, Okla., who promotes a variety of crabgrass that he says is the "best forage crop money can buy".
Dalrymple says there are about 35 species of crabgrass that grow wild in the U.S., none of which were here before the Europeans came. Crabgrass was "imported" from Africa via Europe by immigrants.
"Our Red River Crabgrass seed is all of a single species and has extremely high yielding potential. This hot weather summer grass that has produced up to 6 tons of dry weight forage per acre with quality comparable to spring small grain and ryegrass pasture that many farmers use in this part of the country," says Dalrymple.
Crabgrass can be planted in spring or summer. It produces up to four cuttings a summer and spreads by runner. Stands can be managed to last virtually forever if maintained correctly. Dalrymple's Red River variety is well adapted to the southern one-third of the U.S. with limited adaptation into the Midwest and New England regions. It likes sandy soils best but also grows well on loam and clay soils. "It produces excellent quality forage for dairy, beef, stocker cattle, sheep and horses. It works super in winter annual grass and legume double-cropping where crabgrass makes the summer forage. It also grows well with spring season legumes and annual lespedeza and alfalfa in the summer."
Seed is available for the 1994 season. For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Elstel Farm & Seeds, 2640 Springdale Road, Ardmore, Okla. 73401-9106 (ph 800 858-7333 or 405 223-8782).

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Crabgrass Makes Great Forage For Livestock AG WORLD Ag World 18-2-18 When most people think of crabgrass, they think of a grassy weed that causes grief in yards, gardens and fields. But crabgrass can also be a top quality forage crop for grazing and making hay, says R.L. Dalrymple of Elstel Farm & Seeds, Ardmore, Okla., who promotes a variety of crabgrass that he says is the "best forage crop money can buy".
Dalrymple says there are about 35 species of crabgrass that grow wild in the U.S., none of which were here before the Europeans came. Crabgrass was "imported" from Africa via Europe by immigrants.
"Our Red River Crabgrass seed is all of a single species and has extremely high yielding potential. This hot weather summer grass that has produced up to 6 tons of dry weight forage per acre with quality comparable to spring small grain and ryegrass pasture that many farmers use in this part of the country," says Dalrymple.
Crabgrass can be planted in spring or summer. It produces up to four cuttings a summer and spreads by runner. Stands can be managed to last virtually forever if maintained correctly. Dalrymple's Red River variety is well adapted to the southern one-third of the U.S. with limited adaptation into the Midwest and New England regions. It likes sandy soils best but also grows well on loam and clay soils. "It produces excellent quality forage for dairy, beef, stocker cattle, sheep and horses. It works super in winter annual grass and legume double-cropping where crabgrass makes the summer forage. It also grows well with spring season legumes and annual lespedeza and alfalfa in the summer."
Seed is available for the 1994 season. For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Elstel Farm & Seeds, 2640 Springdale Road, Ardmore, Okla. 73401-9106 (ph 800 858-7333 or 405 223-8782).
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