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Hex Barn Signs Popular Indoors, Too
They may not boost crop yields or increase your earnings, but handpainted, four-color Hex signs from the Hex Barn in Intercourse, Penn., will look good wherever you put them - the barn, house, kitchen, bathroom or children's rooms.
"Hex Signs are a real force among the Pennsylvania Dutch in the southeastern section of the state. They're widely used to decorate barns, as well as in homes," says G. Denbi, of the Hex Barn. "Each sign has a special meaning - certain signs are placed in the bedroom, for example, because they supposedly promote fertility and health."
Symbols used on the signs have been traced back to early Persian and Arabic times, and even further back to cavemen days. Colors, and the combination of colors and design, suggest love, life, abundance, sun, rain, dignity or good fortune. For example, the tulip stands for faith, hope and charity, while the eagle represents strength. Green means growing things; blue stands for truth.
Signs, painted on 1/8-in. tempered hardboard, can hang indoors or out, and come in 8, 16 and 24-in. dia. sizes. Prices (less shipping) range from $2.25 for 8 in. dia. signs to $8.95 for the 24 in. signs. Hand-painted, 4-ft. signs on 1/4 in. hardboard are priced at $79.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hex Barn, P.O. Box 57, Intercourse, Penn. 17534 (ph 717 768-8151).

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1980 - Volume #4, Issue #3