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Gravity Wagon Divider Kit
You can use your gravity wagon to carry two different varieties of bulk seed with this new bed divider kit offered by Parker Industries, Jefferson, Iowa.
The kit consists of a pair of angle irons that bolt on inside the wagon and a double discharge steel door. A 3/4-in. thick ply-wood sheet (not supplied) slips between the angle irons to divide the wagon in half. An auger and hopper bolt on outside the double doors.
"It lets you use your wagon for seed tending in the spring and harvesting in the fall," says Randy Rozell. "By removing two pins you can remove the hopper and auger and replace them with a normal side-unload chute. Viewing windows on each side of the doors provide quick and easy load checks. The kit can be ordered on our new wagons and can also be retrofitted to our older wagons as well as to other wagon brands."
Kit sells for $225. Auger and hopper sell for $1,200.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Parker Industries Inc., Hwy. 30 East, Jefferson, Iowa 50129 (ph 800 526-3492 or 515 386-3386).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2