1994 - Volume #18, Issue #2, Page #20
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Rural Town Holds Round Bale Roll-Off Contest
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Teams of three people took turns trying to roll a 6-ft. round bale toward a finish line. Two people pushed the bale while the third tried to stay on top of it. If he fell off, he had to get back on top before they could start the bale rolling again.
The event was part of a "Farmer Olympics", which took place during the community's annual "Beef Fest" celebranon and included other farm-related events.
Wayne Tanner was in charge of Farmer Olympics events. "Thirty teams participated in the bale roll-off and about 500 people were there to watch. The photos don't show the type of `disasters' that happened during the event or the true sense of speed involved. The bale we used was pretty much decimated by the end of the day."
Other events included a square bale throwing contest, a "poop shoot" (to see who could throw a 10-lb. bag full of manure the farthest with a shovel), the "farmer's walk" (participants hold a tractor weight in each hand and walk to the finish line as fast as possible), and a "to the mill" relay (a team of four must haul 4 grain hogs "to market". One participant ties the bags, one loads them into a wagon, one drives tractor and wagon to the "mill", and one unties them. The tractor driver has to go through an obstacle course to get to the mill and then back up to a loading dock. Once the bags are untied, he races for home - with the tractor in low range). -The mill relay was the most popular event because many entrants had never driven a tractor or tied a grain bag," says Tanner.
Winners of the events received prizes from local retailers.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wayne Tanner, Box 73, Paisley, Ontario, Canada N0G 2N0 (ph 519 353-7190).

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