1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1, Page #32
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New Indestructable Boot For Hopper-Bottom Bins
"It won't crack or tear out, even in extremely cold winter temperatures," says Agri-Plastics of its "virtually indestructable" new and improved 16 in. boot for hopper-bottom feed bins."Our new parabolic boot is made from high-density polyethelene (HDP) plastic," says Rae Johnston, sales manager. "Compared to ABS plastic used in most competing boots, HDP possesses much greater strength, flexibility and tear-out or cracking resistance, even in areas where winter temperatures can drop to 30? or more below zero."
The new-style 16 in. dia. boot is available in a 30? model (for single bins) or in a straight-out model where two or more bins are connected in series by a single unloading auger. A slide gate located above the auger on either model meters feed output. A handy inspection clean-out plate on one side is easily removed with two wing nuts.
Agri-Plastics offers a heavy, one-piece 16 in. bolt-on collar, made from 14 ga. galvanized steel, for adapting the new "indestructable" boot to new or existing 45, 60 or 67? slope bins.
The new-style boot sells for $150, including the bolt-on steel collar.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agri-Plastics 64834 Co. Rd. 27, Goshen, Ind. 46526 (ph 219 533-0497).
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